Year 6
Welcome to Year 6. This is an exciting time for the pupils, who have come to the final stage of their journey through Wimbledon Park Primary School.
Year 6 is made up of 3 classes led by: Miss Jessop (6CJ), Mrs Groves (6G) and Miss Shaffer (6S). Mrs Brown will be teaching in 6G on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesdays and in 6S on Thursday mornings. Ms Sutton-Fitzpatrick will be teaching 6CJ on Tuesday afternoons. The children will also be supported by Michele Ellard, Marie Clarke, Louise Rooney and Tracy Adams.
As their teachers, it is our intention to prepare all children for secondary school by promoting: independence, resilience, leadership skills and academic persistence. Learning expectations are set high as we strive to ensure that pupils are ‘secondary ready’ by the end of Year 6.
We look forward to meeting you over the autumn term and are available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
We are happy to organise a meeting to address any concerns or please email us on the following email addresses:
Miss Jessop:
Mrs Groves:
Miss Shaffer:
English is taught daily and incorporates a range of reading, spoken and written activities and objectives. The children develop their editing and redrafting skills and focus on the use of more complex authorial techniques. The use of whole, quality texts inspires the children to write and write well. Some of the texts that will be used this year will be Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, Catherine Johnson’s Race to the Frozen North and Libby Haythorn and Gregory Rogers’ Way Home. There will also be the opportunity to look at short stories throughout the autumn term as well.
Just as is taught throughout WPPS, maths will continue to be delivered microscopically with the children completing a range of tasks to help support their fluency in calculation. Once mastered, students will then apply what they have learnt to a range of problem solving and reasoning tasks.
Science topics this year are designed to build upon the knowledge the children have retained from previous years. Science topics include Animals including Humans, Evolution and Inheritance, Living things and their Habitats, Electricity and Light.
The children will also have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a range of wider curriculum units this year, beginning with the Ancient Mayas in the autumn term. Later in the year, we will also look at Climate Change, Civil Rights Movement and Coasts to name a few.
In Art, we will also cover topics that include Abstract Art (including Kandinsky) and Andy Warhol whereas in D.T, the topics will include building (Bug Hotels) and cooking (Chocolate Bars!).
Please download a copy of the year 6 class timetables by clicking on the image:
Home Learning
In order to prepare the children for the expectations of secondary school, a wider variety of home learning is set in Year 6. Every Wednesday pupils receive Maths, SPaG, Reading, Handwriting and either Science or Topic home learning to be handed in on the following Monday. This will continue to be delivered through Google Classroom. From time to time (often during the Half Term), pupils might be set a small project too around the wider curriculum.
As well as the home learning that is set, the pupils are encouraged to read as much as possible – preferably with an adult at least once a week.
Taking time to practise their maths fluency will also help them in class too. This can be done through Times Tables Rockstars
Please note, weekly practice is also a compulsory element of home learning.
In the summer term, the children will complete their SATs which test the children on maths, reading, spelling and grammar (SPAG). The children will be very well prepared for these assessments and should not worry about completing them.
Year 6 will be an exciting and eventful year for the children with lots of activities planned inside and outside of school including educational visits, an end of year production and lots more to celebrate the children’s final year of primary school.