We are very fortunate at Wimbledon Park to have a vibrant PTFA that is a valued and integral part of the school community. Over the years, the PTFA has raised tens of thousands of pounds towards improving school equipment and resources. Recent examples include installing classroom air conditioning, replacing the hall sound and lighting systems, installing blackout blinds in every classroom, funding sets of iPads and wireless computing devices, and refurbishing the library.
We'd like to introduce ourselves as the PTFA committee and tell you a bit about how you can get involved in supporting our amazing WPPS. We organise school related events to raise funds for the school with an emphasis on creating a thriving school community. The fundraising we do goes directly to the school leading to real improvements for the kids and school community. Over the years we have been instrumental in raising funds for the school which have been used for new class library books, iPads, lunch club resources, music and drama resources, transport and travel for sports fixtures and school trips, as well as contributing to the calm cave and some of the air-conditioning.
Our current committee is:
- Andrea Elsby Jones – Co-Chair
- Lisa Spence – Co-Chair
- Adrian Jones – Treasurer
- Taliah Walklett – Secretary
- Tania Galavis – Committee Member
- Rosie Rickman – Committee Member
- Danielea Richards – Teacher Liaison
As parents at the school, you automatically become part of the PTFA and we are so grateful for all your involvement and support! We are only a small committee of volunteers so events can only happen with the support of the school community and we really appreciate this.
Follow us on Instagram @ wppsptfa and join our Facebook page WPPS PTFA
Or join out events site PTFA Events
This is where you will find all our upcoming events, buy tickets and see where we have reached in our fundraising target. You can also see who is on the Committee and read our FAQs (under “About Us/ FAQ”) which covers many of the questions that we are regularly asked. Please remember to add you kids to their classes in the “Class Mailing Lists” tab under “My Account”.
Please volunteer as much as you are able to and contribute as much or as little of your time as you can! You can come and find us at any events or send us an email to
- Years 3 and 4 Cake Sale - Thursday 6 Feb 3:15-3:45pm – Tasty after school treats in the playground. Check out our FAQs on how these work on our events site.
- Glow Silent Disco - Wednesday 12 Feb - Bring your dancing shoes, it's silent disco night - ticket sales and more info nearer the time.
- Bingo Night - Friday 7 Mar from 8:00pm - Parents Bingo Night - ticket sales and more info nearer the time.
- Years 2 and 1 Cake Sale - Thursday 13 Mar 3:15-3:45pm – Tasty after school treats in the playground. Check out our FAQs on how these work on our events sit
- Provisional - Movie Night - Friday 21 Mar It's back, get your popcorn! Look out for an email coming soon with tickets and more information.
Events are also published in the school calandar.
There are lots of ways you can contribute to PTFA funds without leaving your armchair!! These include:
- Easyfundraising - this is the easiest way to contribute funds! Simply register here: and select ‘Wimbledon Park Primary School PTFA’ as your chosen charity – every time you buy anything you will be directly raising money for our school.
- Regular donations - you are very welcome to set up a standing order into our account.
Our bank details are: Account: 60936049 Sort Code: 20-96-89
We just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your support at last year’s events – the discos, quizzes, fairs, all of the amazing cake contributions and, of course, the donations, we are so grateful.
Every year your generosity raises money which goes towards so many much-needed resources for the school
We rely heavily on the fantastic teams of class reps who share much of the information and are the link between the committee, staff and parents. Keep a look out for their messages too.
Our best wishes,
Support us by shopping through easyfundraising
The PTFA can be contacted via email:
The PTFA is a registered charity No. 1144668