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Wimbledon Park Primary School

Wimbledon Park Primary School

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4. We look forward to working with you as your child goes on this exciting learning journey!

In Year 4, your children will be taught by Miss Ellie Squire (4S), Miss Lillie Rodger (4RO) and Miss Freya Reid (4RE).  Working alongside the classes will be our support staff: Elaine Puckey (4S), Rachel Sood (4RO), Lisa Sturley (4RO), Anne Knights (4RE) and Shahnila Sheikh (4RE).



English is taught daily and explores a range of reading, spoken and writing skills. The children will be working on developing their self-editing skills. Throughout the year we will be using a range of high-quality texts to inspire the children. Some of the texts that we will be using include Blackberry Blue by Jamila Gavin, The Day War Came by Nicola Davies and The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Raúf.

Maths will be taught on a daily basis and continued to be delivered microscopically with tasks consisting of fluency, reasoning, problem solving and greater depth challenges. Additionally, the children will be completing short fluency sessions with a focus on developing their key skills and speed of recall. 

Our Science topics this year will build upon knowledge from previous years. Science topics include Living things and their habitats, Animals including humans, States of matter, Sound and Electricity. 

In our wider curriculum we have the opportunity to learn about Ancient Greece, Frida Kahlo, how to make bread and Mediterranean Europe in the Autumn term. Before exploring The Roman Empire, Plate Tectonics, Emily Carr and Migration later in the year. 

PE sessions are taught by AMSA coaches. 4RO and 4RE PE lessons will take place on Friday mornings. Please can they come into school in PE kit and bring their school uniform to change into. 4S PE lessons will take place on Thursday afternoons and the children will need to bring in their PE kit to change into. 



Please download a copy of the year 4 class timetables by clicking on the image:

Home Learning

All home learning will be set and completed on Google Classroom. During the first week of term, your child will be provided with their login information which they will stick into their Home Learning Book. 

Home learning will be set every Wednesday to be handed in on the following Monday. Home learning will consist of Maths, SPaG, Times Tables Practise, Handwriting and either Science or Topic. These will be set as online quizzes on Google Classroom. The children will be provided with a home learning book to complete any calculations. Children will also have Reading home learning tasks that will be sent home in their books. Please ensure their home learning books are brought into school on Monday morning.

As part of home learning, the children will be expected to use Mathsframe and Times Table Rockstars where weekly challenges will be set. These will help to develop their fluency in times table recall in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) and will further support their maths learning. 

TT Rock Stars 


 As well as the homework that is set, the pupils are encouraged to be reading as much as possible.


Key events in Year 4

  • 5th December at 2.15 Year 4 Choral Concert
  • Y4 Performance (exact class dates and times tbc)
  • Statutory Y4 Multiplication Tables Check - w/c 9th June


We look forward to meeting you over the Autumn Term and are available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding your child’s progress, achievements and experiences at school. We are happy to organise a meeting or please email us on the following email addresses:


