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Wimbledon Park Primary School

Wimbledon Park Primary School

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3, an important transition year between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. We hope your child has a successful and enjoyable year with us, as they progress on their school journey. We are part of the phase group 2 at Wimbledon Park Primary School. Year 3 provides an interesting learning experience which develops the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in Maths, English and Reading and wider curriculum, which at the centre of it encourages their enthusiasm and growing independence as learners.

The year 3 teaching team are:

Mrs Catherine Carter - class teacher in 3C         ccarter@wimbledonpark.merton.sch.uk

Miss Isabella Ayres - class teacher in 3A            iayres@wimbledonpark.merton.sch.uk

 Miss Olivia Martin -  class teacher in 3M           omartin@wimbledonpark.merton.sch.uk

Other staff members of the year 3 team are Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) who support individual children for some or part of the day.

You can contact your child’s class teacher on the above email address or we can arrange a telephone call or meeting.

Our day

The children’s day begins at 8:40 with 15 minutes of early work to establish a productive learning environment.

The children have a Learning Partner with whom they will collaborate during lessons. This will enable them to share ideas and consolidate what they have learnt. Learning partners are changed on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

Please download a copy of the year 3 class timetables by clicking on the image: 


Please encourage your child to read every day and ask them questions to explore their understanding of the text. These can include ‘on the line’ questions, where the answer can be found in the text, ‘outside the lines’, where you check their understanding of certain words and ‘between the lines’, which look at inference and what is going on in the underlying story of a text. More information about how to support your child with reading can be found on the school website. 

Wider Curriculum Topics

Year 3 have varied and enriching topics as part of their learning such as The Stone/Bronze/Iron Age and Ancient Egypt in History, Light, Plants and Forces in Science, artists Quentin Blake and Monet in Art and Rivers in Geography plus many more.

Home Learning

Home learning will be set on Google Classroom. During the first week of term, your child will be provided with their login information for Google Classroom on the inside cover of their Home Learning Book. 

The children will also be given login details for the Time Tables Rock Stars website to practise their skills in multiplication at home.

Home learning will be set every Wednesday and is handed in on the following Monday. The children complete written tasks and record their weekly spelling practice in their home learning book. Maths tasks are sometimes completed on sheets stuck inside their books or questions to answer on the Google Classroom.

Maths and English are set on alternate weeks.

There is a weekly quiz set on Google Classroom from the wider curriculum subjects.

As well as the homework that is set, the pupils are encouraged to be reading as much as possible as part of their home learning. They will bring home reading books from school twice per week.


The AMSA sports coaching team teach all the PE sessions. 3A and 3C will have PE on Tuesday afternoon and 3M on Thursday afternoon.

French and Music

These subjects are taught by specialist teachers, Madame Vicki and Mr Parsons.


We look forward to the year ahead and hope your child will have a happy and successful time in Year 3. We are always happy to speak to you about any concerns you have and you can contact us via email at the addresses above.

Best wishes

The Year 3 Team