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Wimbledon Park Primary School

Wimbledon Park Primary School

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Year 2

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your child to Year 2. We all hope that the children will thoroughly enjoy their time in their new class and year group, building on the skills and knowledge they have learnt in Year 1. We aim to ensure that every child feels happy and safe, and is successful in ‘Becoming their Best’.

This year, the year 2 teaching team are: Mrs Rebecca Campbell (2C and Year Group Leader), Miss Richards (2R) and Miss Jessica Collett and Ms Jill Manning (2MC). Mrs Powles (Assistant Head for Phase 2) is covering 2C each Monday, releasing Mrs Campbell for her year group lead preparation time as well as her early reading lead time. The LSAs (Learning Support Assistants) in year 2 are Julia, Sandra and Paris.   


Within Year 2, children will have a range of opportunities to explore and extend their learning in all areas of the curriculum, as each lesson will seek to challenge and ignite their thirst for learning. 

We teach English and Maths on a daily basis, along with an hours Whole Class Reading, which builds on their phonic learning in year 1. Science is taught on a weekly basis and our topics this year include Living things and their habitats; Materials; Plants and Animals including Humans. Our wider curriculum includes History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology, RE and PSHE and we will update you each term on the specific topics to be taught - the Great Fire of London and building an air rocket have proved to be firm favourites in Year 2! The children will continue to have specialist lessons in French, Music and Physical Education.


Please download a copy of the year 2 class timetables by clicking on the image:


PE slots

2R and 2C on Tuesday and Wednesday morning and 2MC have their lesson on Wednesday afternoon. 

Home Learning

All home learning will be set on Google Classroom. During the first week of term, your child will be provided with their login information which they will stick into their Home Learning Book. 

Home learning will be set every Wednesday to be handed in on the following Monday. The children will be provided with a home learning book to complete any tasks and record their weekly spelling practise.

As well as the homework that is set, the pupils are encouraged to continue to read on a daily basis.

Now that the children are in Year 2, we encourage and support them in becoming responsible and independent learners. Our expectations are that your child takes pride in their work and are proud of their achievements in all areas of school life. We value the hard work you do at home to support your child and we look forward to sharing the successes of the year group and individual children with you.

We look forward to the year ahead as well as getting to know you during this first term. We are always happy to speak to you about any concerns you have and you can contact us via email at the addresses below.


Best wishes

The Year 2 Team

Mrs Rebecca Campbell                rnall@wimbledonpark.merton.sch.uk

Miss Jessica Collett                      jcollett@wimbledonpark.merton.sch.uk

Mrs Jill Manning                          jmanning@wimbledonpark.merton.sch.uk

Miss Danielea Richards               drichards@wimbledonpark.merton.sch.uk