Wraparound Care
Wimbledon Park Primary offers a wraparound service for breakfast and after school club under our Kidsology banner.Breakfast Club
Early morning sanctuaries can play an important role in ensuring children are prepared for the day ahead, promote health and wellbeing, and provide a space before school with social and educational activities.
Breakfast Club is held in the Downey Hall and children can be dropped off from 07:30. Children are provided with a, nutritious and well- balanced breakfast and supervision of activities.
Children enter via the main gate on Havana Road and will be met in the playground by a club member with access to registers to sign them in.
All children will be at their classes at 8:40am to join in with early work and to start their day.
After School Club
We recognise that mixing with existing friends and engaging with new friends, outside of the classroom environment, helps children to share and appreciate each other’s talents and also helps strengthen confidence and independence. Our aim is to provide a safe, happy and enjoyable environment for pupils after school. The children’s happiness, well-being and safety is paramount. With this in mind we ensure our resources are age appropriate and relevant.
We have 2 bases for after School Club:
The Lower Club is based in our Nursery and is available for pupils in Reception ONLY.
The Upper Club is based in the Downey Hall and is available for pupils in Y1 – Y6.
Both spaces provide plenty of room for a variety of activities and easy access to the playgrounds for outdoor fun. Children are brought to the club at the end of their school day by their teacher (or club leader). All pupils attending after school will wear bright high-viz vests so that they can be easily seen.
We have a range of session times to fit in with parent needs and other extra curriculuar club timings
Full session from 15:15 to 18:15
Early session from 15:15 to 16:30
Late session from 16:30 to 1815
There is a range of supervised leisure and learning activities available for the children, which are age-appropriate and are rotated every week. The activities can include a combination of:
- a colouring-in area,
- brain games,
- book corner,
- art & crafts,
- play dough,
- swingball, table tennis, badminton
- lego and construction toys
- home learning
- themed weeks and links to the school curriculum
We will offer a light meal if they are attending club in the late session from 4.30pm. It is important to note that this meal is not intended to replace dinner. If a child has a special dietary requirement we will make every effort to accommodate this, so please let us know when registering and booking.
All club staff have enhanced DBS clearance, are trained in Safeguarding and First Aid and have completed the Food Hygiene Course, if they are responsible for preparing food. Our core staff are well known to the school community as they have worked at WPPS for over a combined 40 years. A limit is placed on the number of children attending the club each day to ensure safety and staff to pupil ratios maintained.
All bookings and payments will be completed online (iPal), for breakfast and after school club bookings. All parents wishing to use these services need to register on the iPal website. Please ensure that all information is included, such as medical, special dietary and emergency contact forms. The system is GDPR compliant and encrypted
Click here to register: