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Wimbledon Park Primary School

Wimbledon Park Primary School

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It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our wonderful school.  Despite our size, families call us the “village school in the heart of Wimbledon” which captures the essence of the unique family atmosphere and our fantastic pastoral care.

School video 

Our aim is to nurture, teach and support all pupils' journey towards "becoming their best".

We recognise that well-being, happiness and personal development are the essential building blocks for children to become the very best they can be, so we model and instil kindness, respect and consideration alongside teaching children how to be successful learners throughout the whole of their education – persistent, resourceful, innovative, reflective and collaborative.

We want all pupils to be excited, stimulated and challenged by the wide curriculum on offer.  We provide rich learning experiences that allow every child to master basic skills, discover and develop their talents and interests, and succeed in ways they did not imagine possible.

We are ambitious for every pupil, built on a foundation of outstanding teaching from inspiring staff who are committed to staying at the forefront of educational practice and to creating a secure and supportive learning environment.

We are very proud to be one of the top performing primary schools in the country (click here, here and here to read letters from the Secretary of State for School Standards, noting that there were no published results between 2019 and 2023).  Although such letters, accolades and league table positions are never the objective, they do give me confidence that we are doing an excellent job of giving our children the securest foundations as they move on to secondary school.

This website will give you a glimpse of all we have to offer your child, but I do hope that you will come and visit us in person and see the school for yourself – we hold prospective parent visits on many Tuesdays during the Autumn term and you will be made very welcome.
Paul Lufkin