School Uniform
School Uniform Policy
Our uniform expresses pride in our school and creates a strong sense of belonging to the community. It encourages self respect and a smart appearance. Pupils are also expected to wear school PE kit and appropriate footwear for indoor and outdoor PE lessons.
School uniform (items in red are only available from Stich Design - see below) |
Physical Education Kit - Reception to Year 6 All items are compulsory unless otherwise noted. |
School Bags |
The purchase of school uniform is via our online shop with Stitch Design:
Items highlighted in red are available only from Stitch Design. Other uniform items are available from Stitch Design, but may also be purchased from the high street if you prefer.
You may find that high street retailers provide better value for money for those items of uniform which are not branded with the school logo or name, and we encourage you to shop around for best value.
The school aims to support sustainability of school uniform by holding regular second hand/nearly new uniform sales throughout the school year.
Jewellery is not allowed except for watches and small stud earrings (worn at the owner’s own risk). We also have a policy of no make-up or nail varnish. Hair should not cover children’s eyes as this can affect learning. We prefer children to have hair of neat appearance and conventional styling.
Please clearly name all items of your child’s property - if these are mislaid, they are much more likely to be returned. Any named items found in school will be returned to your child. Unnamed property will be sustainably disposed of or entered into second hand uniform sales periodically at the school’s discretion.
There are several own clothes days during the school year. On own clothes days children are expected to do PE in sports kit. Some children may naturally elect for their own clothes choice to be sports kit and we are happy for them to wear that for PE (and all day).
Other children may choose own clothes/shoes that are less suitable for sport in which case they should:
- If they normally come into school in their PE kit, then they should bring their own clothes to change into
- If they normally get changed into PE kit during the day for PE in the afternoon, they should come into school in their own clothes