School Fund
The sustained success of Wimbledon Park Primary School is founded on the strong partnership we have between home and school and the ongoing support of parents. A key part of this partnership is having a school fund to which we ask parents to contruibute financially directly to the school. In conversation with headteacher colleagues, school funds such as this are now commonplace in most schools.
Annually, we invite parents to continue, or start to, support the school financially. For some time now, we have been unable to meet all the expenditure and investment commitments that we would like from our core school grant income. The way we have managed this has been through cost control measures including reducing staffing, deferring buying equipment and resources, and minimising maintenance and redecoration within the school, alongside becoming more dependent on school generated income and direct parent donations. These financial pressures are likely to remain so we anticipate that asking for voluntary contributions from parents will be a recurring need.
100% of the voluntary school funds raised directly from parents are being used to pay for classroom and curriculum resources as well as support the maintenance and improvement of the school premises, benefitting every pupil and staff member.
We would like to say a huge thank you for those of you who have donated this past year – over £15,000 was raised for the school. Projects that we have already been able to support in 2024 from parent donations include replacing the pupil PCs alongside redecorating all classrooms.
To manage this fund (completely separately to the PTFA), we have established the Wimbledon Park Primary Charity (registered charity 1209125) with a separate bank account overseen by trustees from the school and the governing body. 100% of the parent donations that we receive are applied (alongside school funds) to the ongoing maintenance, resourcing and redecoration needs of the school, benefitting every student and staff member. Being a charity also enables us to claim back 25p for every £1 donated through Gift Aid (as long as donors have completed a Gift Aid declaration).
We ask all parents again to make a voluntary contribution with the suggested amount of £10 as a monthly standing order (totalling £120 over a year). Parents should feel able to contribute more or less than this amount depending on your circumstances, either through smaller regular payments/ standing orders or as a one-off payment. All parent funds raised are kept separately in the charity bank account, and are entirely voluntary and completely confidential.
The fund charity bank account details for are:
Account Name: Wimbledon Park Primary Charity Fund
Sort Code: 30-99-66 Account No: 75564568
Ways to make a donation
Payroll Giving/Give As You Earn
If your employer has a scheme, you make the donation from your pre-tax salary. The key benefits of this method are that there is immediate tax relief at source for parents (for both higher and basic rate tax payers), and the School receives the full amount without any administrative burden. In addition, many employers will match the donation. It doesn’t cost anything to ask your employer, and it could be a great help to the School. For further information:
Bank Transfer
Please complete the Gift Aid declaration alongside making your donation or setting up your standing order:
Complete your Gift Aid Declaration
Account Name: Wimbledon Park Primary Charity Fund
Sort Code: 30-99-66 Account No: 75564568