Welcome to our Nursery! We are very proud of our Nursery here at Wimbledon Park; it is a very special place where children love to learn. We offer a warm, nurturing environment which provides children with many opportunities to develop their confidence, social skills, independence and a love of learning. Activities are planned in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage with a particular focus on children’s listening, attention and language skills; personal, social and emotional development as well as their physical skills. These skills in combination provide the foundation for all future learning.
We use high quality, core texts which help children to make links to the topics taught over the year. The core texts provide exciting learning experiences and help children to develop a love of reading as well as ensuring they develop excellent early literacy skills.
Play - Young children learn best through play. In the Nursery the children lead their own play, based on their interests as well as through group activities guided by an adult. Our bright, airy purpose-built nursery has been designed so that children can independently access and explore a wide range of high-quality resources on a daily basis. We have a lovely garden which we think of as our outdoor classroom, providing children with opportunities to play and learn in a natural environment.
Key Workers - We are an experienced team committed to providing an environment which values all children and their families. We appreciate that children are individuals and develop at different rates and in different ways. Our ‘Key Worker’ system helps to celebrate children as individuals. When joining the Nursery, the children are placed in a colour group with a named adult who runs their group. The Key Worker system provides children with a dedicated adult who offers comfort and security when children are settling in as well as throughout their time in nursery. Children quickly develop a close relationship with their key person who will then plan and support children’s individual learning so that they are constantly challenged to achieve more than their current level of development.
Working in Partnership with Parents is vitally important to us. Staff are on hand at the beginning and end of every day to talk to parents informally. We regularly communicate with parents and offer workshops and parent meetings throughout the year. Each key person liaises directly with parents to share information and support children’s learning both at school and at home.
Our Reward System is called You Can Do It! Children are rewarded for demonstrating characteristics such as Confidence, Persistence, Kindness and Thinking skills. The children’s successes are celebrated every day in the Nursery and act as an excellent way of emphasising key learning behaviours and attitudes. This enables all children, whatever their stage of development, to experience achievement but more importantly enjoy success. This then motivates the children to try their best and continue to succeed and develop as happy, confident, capable and sociable learners ready for the challenges of school life.
How to Apply - Children can join us in the September (or January depending on availability) after they turn three. We currently offer 15 hours of Nursery per week and sessions run from Monday to Friday- mornings only (8.40am-11.40am). We offer places on the basis that children will attend five mornings per week.
Thank you for your interest in our Nursery. If you have any further questions, please get in touch.
Caroline MacKenzie
Assistant Headteacher for Early Years
Izzy Heap
Nursery and Reception Teacher