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Wimbledon Park Primary School

Wimbledon Park Primary School

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Our curriculum follows the national curriculum structure of units and allows the children to keep returning to units and studying them in deeper ways e.g. Animals including Humans. The cumulative knowledge acquired encourages the children to think more objectively.  Throughout our science lessons there is a focus on the correct use of scientific vocabulary. This is particularly important when describing processes. 

We encourage the children to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity which can be explored through scientific enquiry. Through a wide range of purposeful, planned and structured learning opportunities they will acquire the knowledge of different scientific enquiry approaches that can be employed to allow for the consolidation of their learning and for gaining an understanding of scientific processes.

Across the science curriculum the scientific enquiry approaches are:

  • observe over time
  • seek patterns
  • identify, group and classify
  • problem solve
  • carry out comparative and fair testing
  • research

Within each approach, the children are explicitly taught a number of skills which they will utilize to support their enquiry.