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Wimbledon Park Primary School

Wimbledon Park Primary School

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We believe every pupil should have the opportunity to participate in a variety of different sports, regardless of their skill level. Throughout each year there are 12 different sports subjects, incorporating differentiation at every stage to ensure access for all, as well as encouraging children to develop their knowledge, skill and understanding. Our curriculum offers each pupil 2 hours of high-quality sports per week. Each subject is taught for half a school term, with specific skills being demonstrated, explored, practised and repeated. Intra School Games Competitions are included at the final stages of each subject, so every pupil has the opportunity to regularly compete in structured competitions against their peers.

Click here to see our Curriculum Overview. 

We also compete in various inter school sports fixtures, festivals and tournaments throughout the year hosted by Merton School Sports Partnership. These events are for pupils in Years 3 - 6. We have a very inclusive selection process to ensure as many children have the opportunity to represent our school in safe, well-organised and memorable sports events.

Click here to see our fixture list.