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Wimbledon Park Primary School

Wimbledon Park Primary School

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We adopt a teaching for mastery approach to mathematics, working closely with our local maths hub.  Our aim is to deepen children's understanding of maths and not accelerate learning; as a result, our children develop fluency before moving onto reasoning and problem solving. Our teaching is richly supported by the use of pictorial and concrete resources, before moving to the abstract. We value the microscopic gains pupils make in maths and, therefore believe offering opportunities for all pupils to deliberately practise their fluency is vitally important and this is a key feature of our lessons.

Throughout each year, children will cover and build on their understanding in:

  • Number and place valueFractions, decimals and percentagesMeasurement and conversion
  • Addition and subtractionGeometry and properties of shapeStatistics
  • Multiplication and divisionDescribing position, direction and movementAlgebra

Once they have a firm grasp of each new mathematical concept, we challenge our pupils to use what they have learnt and to make rich connections across the distinct areas in order to solve problems, see patterns and make connections. We believe it is important for children to be able not only to find the answers to problems but also to be able to explain the reasoning behind their lines of enquiry using accurate mathematical vocabulary.

By deepening learning and through engaging questioning and challenges, we support our pupils to increase their fluency in maths and to become increasingly sophisticated problem solvers, both in maths and across the curriculum.