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Wimbledon Park Primary School

Wimbledon Park Primary School

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Current Vacancies



There are no vacancies currently. 

When we are recruiting, our vacancies are always published on our eTeach careers website where online applications are managed. 

Do keep in touch.  Any questions about recruitment should be addressed to recruitment@wimbledonpark.merton.sch.uk

What's it like to work here?

Wimbledon Park Primary School prides itself on the collaborative and supportive staff culture focused on well-being and professional development.  Our Osfted report highlighted that “teachers receive high-quality training to improve the way they deliver the curriculum. There is expert teaching across the school

The comments from team members below give you a small flavour of why our staff enjoy working here so much:

Being part of such a great community is what makes Wimbledon Park so special. With such a caring group of teachers around, I have always felt supported throughout each stage of my career. Everyone is so willing to help each other out both personally and professionally and working with people like this makes coming to work easy and enjoyable. 

Wimbledon Park Primary School is a calm and supportive learning environment.   As a result, all children, including those with additional needs, feel safe to express themselves and learn well.   That makes for happy children - which makes for happy teachers and support staff!  I have felt really welcomed and part of the community in the year and a bit I have been here.   I feel I am making a difference and that work is fun.​

I really appreciate how supportive and helpful everyone has been during my training year and now as an ERarly Career Teacher at WPPS. Observing exceptional teachers here and attending professional development sessions has been invaluable at the start of my teaching career. There is a great sense of community and collaboration in striving to make the school the best place possible for children to learn.