

Dear parents and carers


Thank you for all of your contribution so far for eco-week; please keep them coming!  We need as much (clean and washed) plastic as possible.  This week we have been working with children and gathering evidence for maths and physical development so we can discuss your child’s progress when we have parents’ meetings w/c 9th March.  We will have sign-up sheets after half-term with more information to follow. 



Inclement weather

The temperature is constantly changing so PLEASE send your child to school with appropriate clothing.  As the weather is particularly cold at the moment and gloves and mittens are needed, can we suggest sewing them onto some string which can be threaded through their coat.  This will reduce the number of lost gloves and mittens as well as making your child more independent when getting ready for outdoor play as they will need very little support.


Next week

…is ECO WEEK!  We have our second enrichment week of this academic year and our focus is on reducing the amount of plastic in our environment.  Early years will be learning about plastic in the ocean through wonderful books, videos and images. We are going to reuse plastic to make collages of underwater animals. 

We will be reading ‘A Hole in the Bottom of the Ocean’ and ‘A Planet full of Plastic’ during group and story times.

Children will also be picking up (clean) litter in our garden and will be taking part in a TRASH MOB- this is just one of the ways in which we will be working towards a Plastic Free Schools Award through Surfers Against Sewage.

In order to construct our sea creature models, we need your help! We request any milk jugs, plastic bottles, containers, yoghurt pots, cutlery, lids, etc!

Please wash these and send them in.

Science Museum Visitors

We are very fortunate to have booked the busy Outreach Team from the Science Museum to come into school and deliver their dynamic workshops on Wednesday 26th February.

Children in the morning nursery will experience the Museum’s Bubble Show.  The children will find out the secret Science Museum bubble recipe, learn how certain materials can change the way others behave, and step inside a human bubble.

Afternoon Nursery will participate in Three Little Pigs, an interactive storytelling workshop in which the children will help the three little pigs choose the best materials to build a strong house that will keep them safe from the big bad wolf. 

In order to help meet the cost of the workshops, we are asking parents for a small donation of £2.50 per child.  Children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding do not need to pay.  No children will be excluded from participating, but experiences like this can only go ahead if the level of financial support is sufficient.  Please pay any contributions in cash to nursery staff between now and half term.


Reporting an absence

If your child is not attending Nursery, please email BOTH myself and the school office on:




Have a lovely weekend


Caroline MacKenzie

On behalf of the whole Nursery team

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