

Dear Parents,


School collection

This is a polite reminder that parents should not be in the school building after pickup, unless there is a prearranged meeting with your child’s class teacher or a staff member where you will be collected from The School Office.


Parent Survey

Families received an email this week asking you to complete the parent survey. We are hoping as many parents who can will complete the survey so we obtain a representative view.


Lost Property

There is a large amount of unnamed lost property which will be outside at the end of the school day next week. Please could parents ensure that ALL clothing coming into school is named.


Eco Week

Next week is Eco Week in school – a big thanks to Miss Davies and Miss Jessop who have put so much time and effort into arranging a very engaging week for the children.


PTFA Auction of Promises

Please don’t forget to buy your ticket for the ‘Auction of Promises’ event happening on 20th March. The staff team are very much looking forward to supporting this event and I am excited to hopefully have a ‘Headteacher’ working alongside me for a day in the summer term!


Head lice

There are a number of reported cases of head lice in the school.  Head lice spread very quickly, particularly at school because the children are in such close proximity.  Please ensure that you check your child’s hair regularly and if head lice are detected it is important to treat it as quickly as possible. 


PE Kits

Recently there have been a number of children forgetting their PE kits, please ensure your child brings in their kit on their specific PE days.  


Lunch boxes          

Please make sure that you have removed your child’s lunch box from the shed by next Friday as the sheds will be cleared out over the half-term break. Any lunch boxes left will be thrown away.



Year 1

1C – Luka for creating an illustration on the computer. Luka carefully selected appropriate tools on the program to recreate a picture of the big bad wolf. Luka demonstrated exceptional persistence and attention detail- very impressive!

Bode for being an inquisitive learner during a variety of different subjects. Bode has asked different questions to deepen his understanding e.g. about the Royal Family tree and why artists use different techniques to each other- very impressive!

1M – Anna for consistently improving her presentation and persisting with things she finds hard

1N – Laila for her History work this week. She has been incredibly persistent with her learning and takes great pride in her presentation in all subjects. 

Eloise for her English work - she has written a lovely descriptive sentence with an extension using because.


Year 2

2B – Poppy for being so inquisitive in all of our history lessons. You have done some great research in our computing sessions and shared your findings with the class. It is always a pleasure to teach you!

2C Alessio for writing a fantastic piece of writing this week based on our core text 'A city in Flames'. Alessio's use of conjunctions in his writing is very impressive, especially because he has used appropriate conjunctions for this piece of writing. I can't wait to read some more of Alessio's impressive writing.

2T – Florence for being such a reflective learner, always seeking to improve her work across the curriculum and developing editing skills, well done.


Year 3

3C- Emma for accurate, clear explanations of formal method in division. Emma shows her working out for each step of the equation and can explain her understanding of each step needed. She uses her known multiples to help her.

3G –  Lulu has put in so much effort recently to become more independent in class. I am also so impressed with a dramatic improvement to her handwriting which she has really focused on the last few weeks as well as her number bond work in maths.

3P – William for applying himself brilliantly to all learning tasks and always trying his best. He also works cooperatively with his learning partner on all activities and is an outstanding role model for the class.

Anastasiia for the excellent way she listens and participates in all lessons. She works efficiently and with a fantastic positive attitude. She sets a wonderful example to the class with her behaviour.


Year 4

4A – Jama for his determination and persistence across all subjects and his positive attitude towards learning.

4F – Suraya for using her persistence muscle when solving division word problems 

Reane for using her collaboration muscle and being a fantastic learning partner. 

4P –  Paul Allan for your focus and maturity in our play rehearsals. You listen brilliantly to stage directions and work well with others.

Jessica – Jess has impressed me so much this week in Maths, collaborating well with her learning partner to solve some tricky problem solving tasks.


Year 5

5B – Oscar for showing enthusiasm, particularly in Science and for being confident to share his knowledge and opinions openly in class. 

5F – Freija for working hard to reflect on their learning, learn from mistakes and go on to future success

Jake for working hard to reflect on their learning, learn from mistakes and go on to future success

5W – Sophia for her excellent analysis of Viking artefacts and using key vocabulary when writing about them.


Year 6

6B- Joe for incredible working out in Maths where we have been learning how to find an unknown in an algebraic equation. He is so logical with his working out. He has also produced some incredible figurative language in his writing over the past few weeks. 

6J – Sidra for persevering with algebra this week and mastering the concept by the end of it 

Luke for consistently asking inquisitive questions to deepen his learning and understanding

6P – Mia this week for her perseverance with algebra. She has shown resilience and determination to find the value of x.





Monday 10th – Friday 14th February

Eco Week


Thursday 13th February

5pm – 8pm PTFA Valentine Disco



With kind regards,


Miss Clogg

Head of School 

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